Notation Symbols as a Tool for Fine Art in Public Spaces

The project “Observer, réinventer le monde—Intervention artistique de Carmen Perrin à la Maternité des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, 2013.” Carmen Perrin created a concept of superimposing coloured circles over enlarged handwritten notations by Karin Hermes thus analysing daily life in the maternity ward. Furthermore the process was reflected through theoretical challenges such as analysing and notating foetal movement (the movements of the newly born) and integrating internal organs such as the uterus, the umbilical cord and others. The paper concludes by posing questions about symbols of notation used as a tool for visual art in public spaces.

Publication  of the research-paper in 2016: Proceedings of ICKL Conference 2015 Centre Chorégraphique National Tours,

More information about Carmen Perrin and this project:
Perrin, Carmen. 2015. Entrer dehors, sortir dedans. Bern: Till Schaap Edition.


